Who am I?

My Experience

as a Trainer:

2024 “Movement Activities in a Childcare Centre” at Akanova

2023 6x online Trainings in Bilingual Education & Children's Rights at FRÖBEL gGmbH

2023 Presentation "Children’s Right to Participation and Laura Lundy’s Modell" at a Symposium from the "Rucksack" Project from the RAA Berlin

seit 2021 Expert and Trainer at the Kinder-und Jugendbeteiligungsbüro Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg

2017-2021 Lecturer/Trainer at recurring meetings for Native Speakers around the topic Bilingual Education and Children’s Rights at FRÖBEL gGmbH

2013-2014 Supporting and implementing trainings for early childhood services and educators, at the “Parents Plus” Parenting Programms and “The Artful Dodgers” Project, part of the “Arts in Education” Initiative, Dublin

My name is Marta Skrzypczak and I strive to support to develop, implement and optimise structures and methods to ensure children’s rights oriented practice and social participation of children.

My generation grew up being taught that children should listen to adults, obey them, and „be good”. Child’s own opinions indicated cheekeness, often treated with harshness. And if opinions turned into rebellious actions, they were treated with punishment.

Luckily, thanks to research and dedication of committed pedagogues, such as Janusz Korczak, Maria Montessori, Roger Hart, Harry Shier und Laura Lundy these views and practices slowly fade into the past. Slowly, because those patterns of behaviours, reactions to certain situations as well as stereotypes are ingrained into our brains since generations. And so creating a truly participatory environment, where children/ youth and their rights are respected has historically been a real challenge.

When working as an early childhood educator (BA Early Childhood Education, TU Dublin, 13 years of experience), I grew more and more frustrated as time went by. Structures in which children and youth are cared for and educated continue to offer them little possibilities to speak their minds, to decide for themselves. They are not working- for their benefit, nor the benefit of society. Participation is a complex topic, but it does not have to be complicated. It can support the work of the organisation or service and contribute to a better quality.

As a children’s rights expert (MA Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights, FH Potsdam) it is my mission:

  • to make the knowledge about childhood studies and children’s rights more accessible

  • to encourage the participatory pedagody

  • to provide information and support about children’s and youth participation

  • to support Educators in providing better Participation possibilities for children and youth.

If you have any questions or are interested in collaborating with me, please get in touch to arrange a 30 min. free first consultation.

My Publications: