The Challenges and Right to Play. Part 2.
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Children's Play is not a straightforward and simple topic. As I explained in detail in my previous article, play is not only tremendously important to children's development, but also highly beneficial. It allows children to develop and master many life skills (Ho, Yu, Brown, 2024). And how do children see play? What is their perspective? Glenn, Knight, Holt, Spence (2013) write that almost anything that is fun is seen by children as play. It has been found that children play because of the sense of freedom they are experiencing and because of the ability to socialise and make new friends (Ho, Yu, Brown, 2024). Play is however not without facing challenges in the modern world.
Barriers to Play
I believe all parents and educators would agree on one thing. No matter where in the world you are, play is not how it was a decade or two ago. As always it is challenged by work, as many children in the global south and north are involved and expected to help care for the family. And by work I do not necessarily mean only the classic type of employment, but also looking after the household, animals, family business/ means of producing money. But there are other factors influencing the (quality) of play.
Challenges to incorporate play in schools
Play, it seems, has always been a hot topic in the context of formal education. Kuschner (2012) writes that in the context of the USA the debate about incorporating play into the school environment was already present in the beginning of the twentieth century. Some educators back then spoke for structured and directed play possibilities, some advocated for free and child-led play.
Macpherson Parrot and Cohen (2020) point out that many skills that children need to learn to be successful adults, are not gained in the classroom, but by engaging in the unstructured play. Their research study demonstrated that children who engage in such a type of play in the school environment can focus better, develop co-operative skills, as well as friendships and are better at problem-solving. If play is so beneficial in the school setting, then why is it still so rarely taken seriously and incorporated in everyday school routine? Parker, Thomsen and Berry (2022) argue that there are quite a few challenges which make influence the lack of unstructured play in schools:
And yet, despite all the challenges, playful pedagogy and providing children with more unstructured play opportunities showed again multiple benefits (Parker, Thomsen and Berry, 2022). It truly makes me wonder, does it make sense to be looking into assessing play? Why would policy makers want to change and adapt play to school settings, rather than change the schools and way of teaching instead? There is a lot of research showing enough evidence that play is serious. Over 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) being ratified by almost all countries around the world that states play is children’s essential right. There are already many alternative, educational projects that demonstrate the effectiveness of child-led and playful learning. I am really baffled at why those practices do not inform the mainstream forms of education, to provide children from all socio-economic backgrounds with the best playful learning opportunities.
Recognition of play as children’s right
As mentioned, children’s right to play is recognised as an essential, fundamental right. Lott (2022) argues that children’s right to play is an economic, social and a cultural right, demonstrating its importance on many dimensions of every-day life and experiences. I will explain further:
Play is an economic right, because the act of play provides children with necessary multi-layered skills that will assist children in generating their future wealth. Play is a social right, as it gives children agency, autonomy and provides them with opportunities for social participation. And lastly, play is a cultural right, as it provides children with the ability to experience and internalise cultural norms in a given society, as well as getting the exposure to culture in terms of arts and crafts (Lott, 2022).
The Committee on the Rights of the Child defines play as follows:
“Children’s play is any behaviour, activity or process initiated, controlled and structured by children themselves; it takes place whenever and wherever opportunities arise. Caregivers may contribute to the creation of environments in which play takes place, but play itself is non-compulsory, driven by intrinsic motivation and undertaken for its own sake, rather than as a means to an end. Play involves the exercise of autonomy, physical, mental or emotional activity, and has the potential to take infinite forms, either in groups or alone. These forms will change and be adapted throughout the course of childhood. The key characteristics of play are fun, uncertainty, challenge, flexibility and non-productivity. Together, these factors contribute to the enjoyment it produces and the consequent incentive to continue to play. While play is often considered non-essential, the Committee reaffirms that it is a fundamental and vital dimension of the pleasure of childhood, as well as an essential component of physical, social, cognitive, emotional and spiritual development”
General Comment No. 17, para. 14(c).
I believe this explanation shows clearly how we should understand children’s play from the human rights perspective. And this definition is in fact a wonderful point and an argument to step away from the strict, directed play and turn towards playful pedagogy. Moreover, as Lott (2022) argues, “play is of significant value in assisting the realisation of children’s right to education”. All the more reason to advocate for it!
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And I urge you to always, always advocate for children’s play. A play in which they get to initiate, control, make decisions. A play that is joyful, meaningful, iterative, engaging and socially interactive. A play that is not rushed or not cut short often. Who else is going to step up and advocate for it, if not you, the early childhood educator? Protect the play. Protect the childhood <3
Glenn, N. M., Knight, C. J., Holt, N. L., & Spence, J. C. (2013) Meanings of play among children. Childhood (Copenhagen, Denmark), 20(2), 185–199.
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Kuschner, D. (2012) Play is natural to childhood but school is not: The problem of integrating play into the curriculum, International Journal of Play, 1:3, 242-249, DOI: 10.1080/21594937.2012.735803
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Macpherson Parrot, H., Cohen, E., L. (2020) Advocating for Play: The Benefits of Unstructured Play in the Public Schools. School Community Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2,
Parker R., Thomsen B., S. and Berry A. (2022) Learning Through Play at School – A Framework for Policy and Practice. Frontiers in Education. 7:751801. doi:10.3389/feduc.2022.751801
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